Myself, Improved
Moi-même en mieux

In development

Sweating and working hard, gym members battle with themselves. Whether young or retired, alone or with a coach, for one month or fifteen years, they engage in the leading sport of the 21st century. Paths scattered with pitfalls, hopes, and doubts intersect, but they also diverge. The life of this club, where intimacy and self-image, physical and psychological resilience collide, reflects the obsessions of a society driven by beauty and well-being, where the loss of youth frightens many, myself included.


A feature documentary by Robin Harsch
Language: French
in coproduction with RTS Radio Télévision Suisse


Robin Harsch

Born in 1977 in Geneva, Switzerland, Robin Harsch studied filmmaking at the Cantonal School of Fine Arts of Lausanne (ECAL) and obtained his bachelor’s degree in 2004. He directed several short films, including SOPHIE CALLE, APRÈS TEXTE and FEDERER AND I, in which he also acts as himself, blurring the lines between documentary and fiction. In 2008, he plays the lead of Lionel Baier’s “Another Man”. He then works several years for the Swiss television as a documentary filmmaker. His first feature fiction film, BICEPS, was released in 2018. In 2019, he directed UNDER THE SKIN, produced by Alva Film.


2019 Under the Skin
2018 Biceps
2012 Les cheveux courts, ronde, petite taille
2009 Quentin et Ferdinand
2008 La petite boiteuse
2008 La touche
2006 Federer et moi
2003 Because I Love
2002 Sophie Calle, après texte
2001 La poste, Die Post, La Posta


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Genève Dublin


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