Au Chinatown

in development

Nestled in the heart of Belleville, Paris, is an establishment that looks like a palace. You come here to eat, but above all to sing. Chinatown is a restaurant/karaoke bar. Young people find it an outlet, a place to get together and party with friends and colleagues. But for René, Cathy, Francis, Oumou, Richard and a few other regulars, the stakes are quite different. Chinatown gives them access to a stage: the chance to become someone else, to vibrate in the eyes of an audience, to exist. To move from the shadows to the light.


A documentary by Callisto McNulty
Language: French
In coproduction with Misia Films (F)


Callisto McNulty

Born in 1990, Callisto Mc Nulty is a Franco-Swiss filmmaker. Her research (around voices and territories at the margins, memory and its traces) takes the form of films, videos, performances and publishing projects. She was an artist-member of the Académie de France in Madrid (Casa de Velázquez) in 2020-2021, an artistic residency during which she initiated her film project La Muraille. In 2019, she directs her second film, Delphine et Carole, Insoumuses, selected for its world premiere at the Berlinale Forum and in some thirty international festivals. The film wins seven awards, including Best French Documentary from the Syndicat Français de la Critique du Cinéma.


2025 - La Muraille (The Other World)
2019 - Delphine et Carole, Insoumuses
2017 - Eric’s Tape (as codirector)


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Rue du Pré-de-la-Reine